Board Supports National Tree Planting Initiative in Nyanza Region
The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Nyanza Regional Office participated at the launch of the Kisumu County Tree Planting exercise carried out at the Rabuor Primary School, Kadibo Sub-County, on 23rd May 2023.
The exercise was in line with National Tree Planting Presidential campaign to grow 15 billion trees for restoration of 10.6 million hectares of forests and rangelands.
The Board donated 200 trees and participated in the planting of 500 trees at Nyakakana Primary, among other 5 schools, identified for the exercise. At least 2600 trees were planted.
The Board leveraged on the exercise to sensitize participants present among them pupils, from different schools, on our mandate, functions, campaigns and responsible content creation and consumption, among other key issues.
Also present were representative from the: National Government agencies, Red Cross, Kisumu County Government, among others.
To preside over the event was Ag. Commissioner, Hussein Alasow. He urged residents not to be left behind in the Government tree planting agenda.